Once signed up, login and use the Classmates page anytime to update your profile including adding Then and Now Photos (jpeg), and any message.
Your address and phone number will NOT be displayed to anyone. Also, ONLY other registered classmates will be able to contact you via email if you provide it or via the send message button in your Classmates listing.
We will keep this site for future reunions so remember your Username and Password so you can keep your information current and be sure you know about future events. If you forget your password, just click the "forgot Password" link and follow the directions. If you've forgotten your login or your email, just send an email to spearmanhsreunion@gmail.com and we'll get you reset.
Use the Menu RSVP and Alumni Dues links to complete them. As you know, dues primarily fund our Scholarships and cover a few Reunion expenses, so please contribute even if you cannot come this time.
Finally, if you have a Class Event or pictures from a previous one, email SpearmanHSReunion@gmail.com or select Contact us from the menu above and we'll set it up for you.